Doing Your Best: Engaging With Absolute Intention To Do What Is Required

Preparation and practice are fundamental to doing well, yet doing our best doesn’t demand excellence as much as it demands intention to do as well as possible under the circumstances. Doing our best means engaging a presenting situation with the absolute intention to deliver what is required – for example, the advance intention of shooting […]

Some Of The Key Indicators For Whether Or Not You Have Done Your Personal Best

Some of the indicia of whether or not we have done our personal best include: Have we improved a situation both for ourselves and others? Have we grown by stretching ourselves beyond what is easy and convenient? Have we stopped and chosen where we want to focus our best efforts, all the while knowing that […]

Is “Doing Your Best” Situational And Circumstantial?”

Among the most challenging things about the concept “best” is that it is inherently subjective in most cases.  “Best” implies reaching a particular level of excellence – but isn’t that level a moving target depending on the circumstances?  Some days, it’s our “best” to be super-productive, and other days, our “best” may be no more […]

Doing Your Best May Still Be Imperfect: Are You Okay With That?

Thanks to Vince, in our monthly men’s group, for choosing to facilitate last Saturday’s session on “doing your best” – now a great topic for Study Hall this week. “Best” is a powerful (and sometimes loaded) term which means different things to different people.  The word means “superior” and we think of “best” in words […]

Our goal is to help people in the best way possible. This is a basic principle in every case, and cause for success. Contact us today to arrange for a consultation. 

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