Focus on what really matters December 12, 2009

WHAT REALLY MATTERS is a question whose answer depends entirely on context.  I attended a celebration of life last night where an old friend beautifully articulated that in our consumerist culture, money is, as he said, “the god.”  He contrasted that with the Balinese culture where his experience is that people live with their hearts […]

Focus on what really matters December 11, 2009

In considering WHAT REALLY MATTERS, our attention turns to what really matters to others:  spouses, partners, significant others, family, friends, clients, employees, employers – and even people whom we don’t know. Respect for diversity of opinion, empathy for experiences, appreciation of individual and group points of view – all of these generate expanded understanding which, […]

Focus on what really matters December 10, 2009

Say, WHAT REALLY MATTERS?  Health, family, love, faith, freedom, joy, relationship, service, connection? Yes, of course, our conversations this week indicate that you believe that those really matter.  Today, let’s consider what really matters on a global level and what we believe we can do about it.  We are experiencing a time of increased attention […]

Focus on what really matters December 9, 2009

We had some great conversations yesterday about WHAT REALLY MATTERS. Beyond and in addition to the “big picture” issues like love and health and relationship, we examined “game changers” — items that, if included or excluded, could transform a situation. By definition, what really matters in any category – family, health, work, relationships, finances – […]

Focus on what really matters December 8, 2009

Our theme this week is: HOW TO FOCUS ON WHAT REALLY MATTERS. It has been easy for us to slip into patterns of hectic activity and overly busy lives. Often, we have been caught up in modes of consumption and acquisition to the detriment of having a life that works well. Of course, we must […]

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