The Influence of Others On Decision Making
Among the most intriguing areas of decision making is how to ethically influence others to make the decisions that you want them to make. Sales is a classic example of intentionally influencing decision making. Most of us have experienced situations where we’ve felt pressured to buy something and, depending on the degree of pressure, we’ve […]
Extremes In Decision Making
Business environments – and especially entrepreneurial environments – are among the most notorious for extremes in decision making. Sometimes, decisions are made quickly and even rashly. Other times, “analysis paralysis” sets in, and it takes forever to get decisions made. There can be a “Whoa, what just happened” effect where there’s disbelief that a sudden, […]
Magic, power and genius of bold decisions
How bold are your decisions? Are you shooting for the stars or keeping your eyes to the ground or going for something in between? Do you seek bold results? Goethe said: “Each indecision brings its own delays, and days are lost lamenting over lost days. What you can do or think you can do, begin […]
“Decide” Implies A Cutting Away
The word “decide” has much in common with words like “homicide” or “fratricide.” A literal interpretation of the word “decide” connotes a cutting – a powerful image in the context of making a decision. The power of decision making can be so strong as to cut away all other alternatives – never to be able […]
What Is Your Decision Making Style?
How do you make tough decisions? Do you put them off, talk about them, ignore them or embrace them and get them over with? Decision making is a skill that can be improved with both practice and mindfulness over time. Napoleon said, “Nothing is more difficult and, therefore, more precious, than to be able to […]