Marketing January 16, 2009
Concluding our topic of marketing this week, consider the idea that almost every interaction with others can be seen as a marketing event. Why is this true? Because every time we’re . . . * Educating others * Keeping or breaking promises, and * Influencing . . . we’re marketing. The implications are huge. The […]
Marketing January 15, 2009
Continuing our discussion of marketing, we’ve noted that: * Marketing is education * You and your brand have a set of brand promises * Regular contact with Centers of Influence is key Today, let’s focus on how much time you can spend on marketing and how we make sure that that time occurs. We can […]
Marketing January 14, 2009
This week’s topic: Marketing. Let’s get highly practical and try something profoundly simple. Centers of Influence (COI’s) are those people who are well-positioned to help you – personally and / or professionally. Thus, marketing to that core group is vital. Simple is often best, so consider the following. Create a basic Excel worksheet. List the […]
Marketing January 13, 2009
Yesterday, we began discussing marketing and the “promises” that make up your personal and professional brands. Here’s one easy perspective on marketing: it’s educating others. As Robert G. Allen says: “No matter what your product is, you are ultimately in the education business. Your customers need to be constantly educated about the many advantages of doing […]
Marketing January 12, 2009
In our continuing consideration of topics which impact how we produce results in all aspects of our lives, let’s challenge ourselves to dramatically improve our marketing! One of the many ways to understand marketing is that it’s about building and expanding positive awareness in order to increase the likelihood of a desired positive outcome. Businesses […]