Exploring The Ambition To Be Famous

Those of us who live in Los Angeles are constantly aware of the city’s draw for those seeking fame. People come from all over the world to develop careers in show business. Their sheer ambition of wanting to become famous is often raw and sometimes scary. What has been your relationship to fame? Is it […]

What Could You Learn That Could Transform Your World?

What could you learn that would transform your life experience? Nelson Mandela said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” You may be out of a formal educational structure, but learning continues to be the best way to create positive change. As our world grows ever more quickly […]

Transformation In Professional Situations

Transformation is often not much fun in the moment. Consider the necessity of changing a professional situation that isn’t working. You might have been giving and giving – to the point of imbalance – in a business or client relationship. The giving wasn’t reciprocated, and after you’ve tried all kinds of ways to change it, […]

“You May Ask Yourself, Well, How Did I Get Here?” – Talking Heads

Wikipedia serves up a fascinating perspective on hindsight: “Hindsight bias is the inclination to see events that have occurred as being more predictable than they were before they took place.” It’s natural to want to explain why events occurred the way that they have; and it’s understandable that, if one believes hindsight is 20-20, that […]

How Would You Assess Your Ability To Use Hindsight In Favorable And Useful Ways?

The benefits of hindsight have generally to do with learning from mistakes and the purported ability to develop complete understanding (as in 20-20 hindsight) of the past. What happens if we’re wearing less than perfect “lenses” as we review the past? I’ve known many people who carry what I call a “cup of worry” that […]

“It May Be Difficult To Learn From Our Mistakes” ~ Diane Halpern

Not everyone shares the same sanguine view of hindsight. Author Diane Halpern is downright contrarian and writes: “Hindsight is of little value in the decision-making process. It distorts our memory for events that occurred at the time of the decision so that the actual consequence seems to have been a ‘foregone conclusion.’ Thus, it may […]

Is Hindsight Truly 20-20?

The old saying is that hindsight is 20-20, but is it really? Perhaps in an ideal world, we’d learn from our mistakes so well that our analysis of what happened would be perfect – but life experience teaches that often the same kinds of analyses that produced the “mistake” in the first place are at […]

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