The Conflict Between Perfection and “The Good”

Consider a few quotations on perfection: Voltaire: “Perfection is the enemy of the good.” Isaac Bashevis Singer: “Every creator painfully experiences the chasm between his inner vision and its ultimate expression.” General George Patton: “A good plan implemented today is better than a perfect plan implemented tomorrow.” How do you feel about perfection? Are you […]

Managing Distractions Enhances Personal Productivity

Personal productivity is directly related to minimizing distractions. Technology has created potent means of distracting us . . . . thus, joining the infinite other ways that are available to diminish our productivity. Knowing yourself is key. Make a list of what have been your favorite distractions. Decide how much time, if any, you are […]

Pace Yourself For Optimal Productivity

Practice asking yourself, “What is the most productive thing that I can do now?” Surprisingly, it’s NOT DOING that is often most productive. We have often forgotten that resting or taking a break or stopping altogether can significantly enhance our productivity and our results. Personal productivity is about pace and the optimal relationship between effort […]

Use Feedback From Others to Enhance Personal Productivity

Getting insight about how to expand personal productivity needn’t be complicated. Each of us is surrounded by people who can give us valuable feedback. Asking “How can I be more productive” may feel risky because you may fear that you’re opening yourself up to criticism . . . . . and that you may be […]

Personal Productivity is Strategic Yield

What is personal productivity? Getting more done . . . . . in less and less time? Partially correct. Productivity is directly tied to the purpose of what you’re doing. The more what you’re doing is vital to your ultimate success, the more you’re being productive. The best definition for “productive” in this context is: […]

Productivity Strategy for Stalled Projects

Now that Spring is here, let’s explore PERSONAL PRODUCTIVITY and put attention on desired results that we’ve been putting off. What are some highly worrisome tasks that have haunted you because they aren’t complete? Maybe you haven’t touched them in months. Writing, organizing, taxes, bookkeeping, filing, cleaning, etc.? YOU KNOW WHAT THEY ARE! Things you […]

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