Choosing Regeneration for Wholeness in Emotion and Spirit

Isn’t it fascinating that we humans can spontaneously generate new skin, our fractured bones can heal themselves, and even an organ as complicated as the liver can regenerate under the right conditions. We can’t, of course, grow new fingers, arms or legs, but the regenerative biological capabilities that we have are amazing. Are there places […]

The Active Cultivation of First Times As A Means of Renewal

Renewal can result in feelings of optimism and expanded energy if we process information as though we are experiencing something for the first time. I’m a big fan of first times, and I actively cultivate memories of wonderful first times in my life. They are full of joy and possibility. To experience people, situations, places […]

Annual Renewal Of Marriage Vows And Other Commitments

A focus on renewal in key relationships can be fruitful. Psychologist Ken Dychtwal discussed in a recent article how he and his wife (married in 1983) renew their vows every year on their wedding anniversary . . . . in a different place and set of circumstances each year. They view it as an annual […]

Three Steps To Renewal

How does one renew exactly? Three key steps: One: Realize that every moment is new. We can choose to drag in the baggage of the past, but we don’t have to. It’s renewing to learn and apply life’s lessons, but to leave out looking at the past with regret. Two: Ground yourself in what you […]

Renewal Means A New Beginning

RENEWAL – our topic this week – is a great topic from both a business and personal perspective. Among the meanings of the word are: “to make as new,” “restore to new condition,” “renovate, rejuvenate, recreate, reestablish.” On a macro level, attempts are being made to renew our financial system. On a personal level, you […]

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