Be Loved Above All Else

Each of us somehow silently wishes only for pleasant surprises in response to the uncertainties of life. How rare to find the friend who will always be there no matter what, the lover who cares even in the face of indifference and even damage, the client who remains loyal even when others make exaggerated claims. […]

Uncertainty And Its Pull Toward Fear Of Failure

Every human being has experienced difficulty when uncertainty became fear, and we’ve found ourselves disillusioned. One of our amazing readers writes: “I think as we grow older and take the knocks and defeats of life, we start compromising and then we get to the point where we settle. We let our fear of failure blind […]

What Are Your Strategies For Meeting Uncertainty and *Prevailing*?

And the strategies for dealing with uncertainty keep rolling in! Here is one from someone whom I love and admire, Tobey Crockett: “Speaking more or less in statistical terms, I have always thought that one is likely to achieve only a certain percentage of what you go after. Therefore, one increases the odds of high […]

How Is Your Friendship Between Ambition And Uncertainty?

What do you do – and how do you become – someone who deliberately engages the uncertainty of whether or not you can accomplish something amazing and fantastic? Is it like seeing a cliff as you’re floating in the river, and you see a cliff, and you’re inspired to swim to it and jump? Or […]

Strategies For Dealing Successfully With Uncertainty

Certainty, like security, is a relative concept as there are few, if any, certainties in life except death and taxes. Change is the only real certainty, so uncertainty necessarily involves resistance to change. Learning how to engage the unknown with grace rather than with trepidation is a highly valuable exercise. One of the historic barriers […]

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