The Power of Forgetting and Starting Over

This week has been one of our best in Study Hall . . . thanks for attending and sharing. STARTING OVER is definitely a muscle that wants to be strengthened. Fact: the past is over! As Will Rogers famously said, “Today is the first day of the rest of your life.” The advantages of resetting […]

Starting Over From Things Beyond Our Control

In law, events beyond our control are called “acts of God” or “force majeure.” Working with our topic of starting over, we considered the topic generally . . . then how we can start over ourselves . . . and how we can allow others to start over. So, today: what about those pesky circumstances […]

Releasing Attachment to Wrongs and Starting Over

So far this week, we’ve focused on our own starting over. Today, consider the wisdom of allowing others to start over with you. Everyone has made mistakes in life. It’s just a matter of degree, but . . . face it, no one escapes doing some really dumb things. We can assist others in their […]

Beginner’s Mind Is Starting Over

Yesterday, we began discussing starting over – how recognizing that every moment REALLY IS starting over . . . whether or not we recognize it as such . . . for one simple reason: the past is OVER! That means we have a blank slate in this and every new moment to CREATE the present […]

The Ability to Start Over Is a Strategic Advantage

This week: STARTING OVER. When I ran my first marathon it wasn’t planned: I was inspired by the signs for the race when I arrived at the Honolulu Airport for a three-week business trip. I immediately wanted to do the race. I had been running about 25 miles a week . . . good, but […]

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