“There Is Only One Thing Then – To Learn” ~ T. H. White

It’s Back to School, and we’re here to learn! One of my favorite quotes of all time is from T. H. White’s, The Once and Future King. Merlin is speaking to young King Arthur. Enjoy! “The best thing for being sad . . . is to learn something. That’s the only thing that never fails. […]

What Are The Consequences Of Knowingly Allowing A Basic To Slide?

Yesterday, during our call, we discussed making a list of five basics which, if acted upon, would make a huge positive difference in our lives. Today on the call, we are going to discuss the lists of five that participants sent in. What are your five? It’s interesting that oftentimes when things are working really […]

“Back To Basics” Can Feel Boring, But It Is Fundamentally Important

“Back to basics” may sound boring, but basics can be the most powerful place on which to focus. Our lives can feel incredibly complicated – so much so that, from time to time, we have lost sight of the dynamics that underlie the results that we wish to have. Basics like: do your homework, take […]

Back To School ~ What’s In Store For You For The Balance of 2009?

Welcome back! It’s “back to school” and back to the traditional focus on successfully completing the remaining four months of the year. This is the time to review your goals for 2009 and to plan how you’ll achieve them. Where would you like to be at the end of December relative to your personal and […]

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