Can Money Be Part of a Happy Life?
It’s been a fascinating week discussing our relationship to MONEY. All week, we’ve acknowledged that money doesn’t buy happiness. Today, a little different approach: We’ll conclude today considering how Greenbacks can be part of a happy life. Colonel Sanders said, “There’s no reason to be the richest man in the cemetery.” There can be tremendous […]
Giving Away Money
No discussion of MONEY would be complete without an examination of giving money away . . . . . a look at charity and philanthropy. Brooke Astor, one of my personal heroes, gave away over $100 million over the course of her life before she died at age 105 in 2007. Astor’s personal motto was, […]
Money Makes the World Go ‘Round?
There’s a line in “Cabaret”: “Money makes the world go ’round.” This is a prevalent . . . and potentially troublesome . . . belief. Is it possible that we have it wrong in our culture when we act as though money can buy happiness? Have love and money ever intersected in your life? I […]
Keeping a Balanced, Healthy Perspective About Money
Money is a highly-charged topic. In our culture where people are often judged by their net worths and their possessions, it may been hard to keep a balanced, healthy perspective about money. There is a tremendous belief system of money myths ranging from the old Puritan point of view that wealth was proof that God […]
Money Is Simply a Medium of Exchange
This week, we’re discussing the role and impact of money in our lives. Benjamin Franklin said, “Money never made a man happy yet, nor will it. The more a man has, the more he wants. Instead of filling a vacuum, it makes one.” Money is obviously required to provide at least the basics in life. […]