Can Money Be Part of a Happy Life?

It’s been a fascinating week discussing our relationship to MONEY. All week, we’ve acknowledged that money doesn’t buy happiness. Today, a little different approach: We’ll conclude today considering how Greenbacks can be part of a happy life.

Colonel Sanders said, “There’s no reason to be the richest man in the cemetery.”

There can be tremendous joy in being part of a marriage, partnership, family, business, team . . . a combination of people that you love and enjoy and who meaningful to you . . . and working to create prosperity together.

It can be fun to be able to provide for loved ones, to make a difference with charitable contributions, to create adventures in life, to invest well for financial security, and to use money to learn. There are all kinds of ways to use money productively . . . since we can’t take it with us!

What have been your favorite uses of money? Has it ever truly been part of enhancing your joy? How can you expand your relationship to money beyond feelings like stress and guilt to include ease and even fun?

Copyright 2009. E. B. Hutt Bush and Coaching for Results, Inc.

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