Reading Historical Fiction And History For Pleasure

For those readers expanding beyond reading novels, biographies and historical fiction are hits among our readers. It’s useful to read outside the genre that you normally read so that you can broaden your experience. Hearty thanks to the readers who wrote in!!! Here are some of their replies to questions about biographies and historical fiction: […]

Biographies And Historical Fiction Are Great Options For Pleasure Reading

Some of my clients have felt guilty when reading fiction for pleasure. They have felt that they “should” be reading business books or learning how to use a new computer application. Many clients choose to read biographies of people whom they admire as a kind of mid-point between pleasure reading and reading business books. “Pleasure” […]

Great Reader Recommendations For Reading For Pleasure

We’ve had many GREAT recommendations for books, and I want to share some of them with you. Thanks, everyone, and please keep on sending books that you read for pleasure so that we can share them with others. Next week, we’ll get back to more business and philosophy-related topics. For now, I’m looking forward to […]

Who Are Your New Books And Novels As “Friends”?

I remarked recently that I needed a new novel so that I could spend 15-30 minutes a day with it for a couple of weeks and “make a new friend.” There have been a number of authors / books like that over the years. Almost all of Pat Conroy’s novels.  Tom Wolfe and John Irving. […]

Remembering The Joys Of Reading For Pleasure

I recently read an article which discussed how much we, as a populace, are reading and writing in email, blogs and other online activities. That kind of reading and writing is a far cry from what our English and Literature teachers and professors taught us was exemplary. Juxtapose that for a moment against the likelihood […]

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