Dramatically Improving Planning October 10, 2008

How was your planning this week?  Did you notice a shift in your awareness and effectiveness?  As we segue from planning into a consideration of strategy and tactics for next week’s Results 101 curriculum: do you consider yourself a strategic planner and thinker? What makes a plan become a strategic plan?  Generally, strategy is performed at […]

Dramatically Improving Planning October 9, 2008

Have you ever noticed that we humans often experience increased synchronicity and serendipity when we’re prepared? Louis Pasteur said, “Chance favors the prepared  mind.” The Roman philosopher, Seneca, said, “Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.” Consider the possibility that, by being well prepared – by planning and thinking things through – we can potentially improve […]

Dramatically Improving Planning October 8, 2008

“To be prepared is half the victory.”    Cervantes Ah, preparation!  As simple as the groceries needed . . . . . . to making a daily to-do list  . . . . . . to naming the top three results desired for today . . . . . . to role playing that key phone call before making […]

Dramatically Improving Planning October 7, 2008

WORKING YOUR PLAN IN PRIORITY ORDER AND STICKING TO IT. The discipline of taking planned items one at a time and not allowing the distraction of doing things out of order. How would you rate yourself at this critical skill?

Dramatically Improving Planning October 6, 2008

This week, our topic is How to Dramatically Improving Planning. Increasingly, humans have found themselves buffeted about by life’s circumstances. As John Lennon said: “Life is what happens to you when you’re busy making other plans.” Still, there is a need to have clear direction, focus and identifiable milestones as we move toward accomplishing our […]

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