Creativity January 9, 2009

Our discussion of creativity this week reveals that engaging with it accesses a powerful tool whose  utility goes far beyond visual aesthetics or art.  Harnessing creativity is a powerful strategy for advancement. It’s intriguing to use creativity in service of improving our lives.  Duke Ellington said, “A problem is a chance for you to do […]

Creativity January 8, 2009

Creativity – our topic this week – can be dramatically enhanced by being around creative people. If you could form a five-person”Creative Council” to advise you, and you could choose anyone living or gone, who would you choose and why?  What qualities in those people do you admire and would you find useful? There are […]

Creativity January 7, 2009

Creativity is a strategic advantage in life, so let’s become more creative. The web has spawned many new terms . . . among them, the word “mash-up. Originally used to describe the integration of different kinds of web and technology elements, the term can now be applied to the creative combination of potentially disparate elements […]

Creativity January 6, 2009

We ended yesterday’s Study Hall with a goal of your identifying several areas where you could embrace uncertainty in such a way that your creativity would be enhanced in 2009. The most radical way to challenge what we know is to try on its opposite.  Charlie Munger, famous partner of financier, Warren Buffet, says, “Invert, always invert.” Munger […]

Creativity January 5, 2009

Welcome to the 2009 edition of Study Hall! This week’s topic is creativity.  As the Apple ads say, “Think different.”  This year, let’s also resolve to think creatively and broadly.  At first glance, one might assume that creativity only relates to the arts, but we know that all areas of life present opportunities for creativity. As […]

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