“The Secret Of Life Is Enjoying The Passage Of Time” ~ James Taylor

James Taylor wrote, “The secret of life is enjoying the passage of time.” Is life that simple that the secret is to create a relationship of enjoying what feels like the passage of time? How do you enjoy the passage of time? Spending time with people you love? Being in nature? Serving others? Learning and […]

Your Relationship To The Scarcity Of Time

One of the most compelling aspects of our relationship to time is that time conveys the precious and scarce quality of each individual human life. Ninja Warriors meditated on the poignancy of the human experience of linear time, and they conducted themselves with great honor. Steve Jobs said: “Your time is limited, so don’t waste […]

Time Warps And The Mystery Of Time’s Passing

Have you ever had an experience where the actual time elapsed didn’t match your understanding of it? A meeting with a friend, someone you just met, a trip somewhere, a meal, an evening? Counting or tracking time is a human invention. Perhaps in nature, it’s more accurate to say that there are cycles, and there […]

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