“Command And Control” Is Most Often In Opposition To Collaboration

We live in a world that has been dominated by a centralized “command and control” model for centuries – and by institutional cultures that are, therefore, anything but collaborative. Tragically, for example, in the recent ongoing oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, there was poor collaboration before someone with control authority made the decision […]

Is Synergy An Energy That You Actively Seek To Create, Access And Grow?

Among the tremendous potential benefits of collaboration is SYNERGY. The common definition of synergy is 1 + 1 = 3, which is a mathematical impossibility, yet, a reality that all of us have experienced. The combination of the parts be greater than their sum. The old saying that “two heads are better than one” makes […]

Effective Collaboration Is Critical To Moving Your Vision Forward

Who do you think with in meaningful and high level ways? What is the nature of that relationship(s)? Are you and they able to be completely and constructively honest as you consider mutual opportunities, issues and problems? We can never directly see our own faces nor the backs of our bodies. Each of us has […]

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