The Essential Ingredients For Victory Begin With Doing Our Absolute Best
Potential ingredients for personal victory include: – We have done our absolute best – Actions are taken consistent with core values like truth, integrity and mutual respect – No one wins unless everyone wins – A clear conscience – We did not shrink from difficulty – The basis for everything is unconditional love. How well […]
Victory Is Not Victorious If It Means Violating What You Stand For
Victory in its most meaningful sense is aligned with higher purpose. A passage from the Bible says, “For what shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul?” In other words, can you truly be victorious if you win all the worldly games, but forfeit yourself? A […]
Personal Victory Need Not Have Someone Else Be Dominated Or Lose
The use of the term “victory” in connection with personal fulfillment has been problematic because the origin of the word “victor” connotes “conquer.” Conquering is inconsistent with our intended understanding of victory. Some other words that could describe personal victory include: fulfillment, win, attainment, arrival, triumph and success. The opposites of victory are even more […]
“Strength Is Itself Victory”
Victory can be very broadly defined if and when it is not limited to a conventional definition of winning. Peace Activist, Daisak Ikeda, said: “Strength is Happiness. Strength is itself Victory. In weakness and cowardice, there is no happiness. When you wage a struggle, you might win or you might lose. But regardless of the […]
Victory Is A Primary Motivator For Human Beings
I once had the occasion to see Zig Ziglar speak to 12,000 people at the Anaheim Pond. At an intermission, he drew my business card out of a big barrel of cards – which entitled me to win books and tapes (at that time) for a half dozen of his programs. I went on stage […]