Victory Is A Primary Motivator For Human Beings

I once had the occasion to see Zig Ziglar speak to 12,000 people at the Anaheim Pond.  At an intermission, he drew my business card out of a big barrel of cards – which entitled me to win books and tapes (at that time) for a half dozen of his programs.  I went on stage to shake his hand, and I got to see how fun it is to stand in front of 11,999 people.

He said that the primary motivator for human beings is victory – not winning over someone else, but personal victory.  Being victorious in this sense means manifesting a result that is consistent with your core values.  Joy and delight were primary among the core values that I felt in that moment – and he was right: it felt like victory.

How do you define victory?  Has the concept of victory engaged competitiveness for you in the past?  If so, it may not be pure victory.  In fact, a focus on competition may miss the point of victory altogether.  What is the distinction between winning and victory?  There is no struggle in victory.

Our goal is to help people in the best way possible. This is a basic principle in every case, and cause for success. Contact us today to arrange for a consultation. 

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