How Do You Engage Other People’s Capacity?

Other people’s capacity (OPC), like “other people’s money (OPM),” is a topic that we frequently notice and care about. We want others to do things that we want them to do; we work to enroll them in our visions of the future; and try to sell them and convince them that things can be different. […]

How Do You Manage Yourself When Your Capacity Feels Overwhelmed?

What have been your best strategies for dealing with overwhelm when your capacity has felt overburdened? Tougher times like these can test anyone’s resolve and ability to pull through. One of the ways to deal with taking on too much is to remove what is not mission critical. Make a list of any activity that […]

What Are The Best Ways To Heal And Expand Our Capacities?

What are your role models for capacity? Who taught you how much you can love, how much you can hurt, how much you can heal? What is your capacity for joy? What experiences shaped your beliefs about how much is enough and how much is too much? What is your capacity for forgiveness, for forgetting […]

Capacity Means How Much Something – Or Someone – Can Hold Or Tolerate

Capacity means how much something – someone – can hold or tolerate. Toleration of pain may not be such a good thing as the numbness may block out reason as well. Intolerance of great things may indicate a being whose ability to receive blessings has been impaired. As with most things, the middle way is […]

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