Excuses January 23, 2009

This week’s topic of EXCUSES has produced lively thought and conversation. Excuse-making is the opposite of taking personal responsibility and requiring that others do the same. Excuses are probably least welcome when something has occurred for which we need to apologize. Kimberly Johnson said:  “Never ruin an apology with an excuse.”   It’s a very […]

Excuses January 22, 2009

Among the favorite forms of excuse-making is blaming others or outside circumstances.  The entire “reason” that we have manufactured excuses in the past is to point to something different than ourselves to try to make “that” responsible for what happened or didn’t happen. The dog . . . ate my homework. That horrible traffic . […]

Excuses January 21, 2009

Today, I was scheduled to attend a recurring monthly networking function at 7:30 am.  However, as of late last night, I had not completed all of the deliverables that I needed for today’s client meetings, so I decided that I could not attend the event this morning. Courtesy and professionalism dictate that I be in […]

Excuses January 20, 2009

Today, we inaugurate a new President. Our theme this week is EXCUSES! It’s non-partisan to say that there is NO EXCUSE for not being excited about America’s electing a minority President – a real breakthrough for human relations on the planet. What else – areas of critical importance in your life – can you say […]

Excuses January 19, 2009

This week, we’re discussing excuses . . . those pesky things that have often interfered with our getting the results that we want in life. How do you feel about excuses . . . When you’ve made them?  When others have made them? Is there any difference between an excuse and a reason?  If so, […]

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