Completion October 24, 2008
We’ll “complete” our week about completion today. Our work has examined various strategies to facilitate finishing projects. Completion can be had in three ways: 1. Actually getting the project done in its original form; 2. Making a conscious decision to change the scope of the project and then getting it done; 3. Deciding that you […]
Completion October 23, 2008
Continuing our discussion of completion this week, let’s examine the benefits of a specific kind of positive outlook called “planned optimism.” Planned optimism is “optimism on steriods,” meaning that it only allows a positive outcome in your mind when considering completing a project. A primary enemy of optimism has been doubt, so having a plan […]
Completion October 22, 2008
While we’re on the subject of completion this week, what do we say and how do we behave to that voice that has told us in the past that we can’t complete a project? Is that voice correct? Should we not pursue and complete a dream? What if it fails? Have we feared completion before […]
Completion October 21, 2008
This week, we are exploring completion of projects. Clients are choosing one short-term, one medium-term and one long-term coaching project to complete. Short term is defined as by this Friday, medium-term by Thanksgiving, and long-term by year’s end. We’re discussing a variety of strategies that can be useful for completion. One of the most effective […]
Completion October 20, 2008
Our topic this week is completion. Nothing to fear – just a great topic to explore. Most of us have projects that we’d like to complete – some of long standing. Speaking in the past tense, what has been in the way of completion for you? Perhaps it’s been a goal that has seemed too big? […]