This week, we are exploring completion of projects. Clients are choosing one short-term, one medium-term and one long-term coaching project to complete.
Short term is defined as by this Friday, medium-term by Thanksgiving, and long-term by year’s end.
We’re discussing a variety of strategies that can be useful for completion. One of the most effective is called “kaizen,” a Japanese word roughly translated into “Some daily progress, however small.” Consider the logic: putting positive attention on something daily will inevitably cause it to progress.
Now, imagine what would happen if we chose to be attentive for 15 minutes a day or an hour – some small, manageable number that we can fit into most days. The actual results experienced by clients are astounding. The most common surprise?
What needs to be done usually takes a far shorter time than originally thought.
Consider giving the strategy a try with a small amount of time applied daily. Let us know how you’re doing.
For those of you who have not replied with your goals, please do so today if possible.