The Impact of Others On Our Freedom
Next Monday is Memorial Day in the U.S., a day when we honor fallen warriors who have made our freedom possible. It’s easy to make it just another day on the calendar. Yet, if we simply pause and think about the impact of those lives on our own, we can quickly appreciate the direct and […]
“Freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose”
Sometimes, having no responsibilities or commitments to someone or something else feels like freedom. Yet, Janice Joplin sang, “Freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose,” and often so-called “freedom” can feel empty and meaningless. In your life, do your commitments feel as though they impinge on your freedom? If so, are the rewards worth the […]
Freedom of Speech ~ Even For Those With Whom You Disagree?
Do we believe in freedom enough to fight for it for others with whom you fundamentally disagree? Perhaps the litmus test for this question is the degree to which each of us is willing to defend the right of all people to voice their opinions – even if those opinions are noxious and odious to […]
Freedom of Speech and Newspapers As Non-Profits
Freedom of speech is guaranteed in the United States by the Bill of Rights, yet what is going to happen to a free press as newspapers shut down? Among the most provocative proposals is to have newspapers become non-profits. This proposal recognizes the inherent public good that is done by the press. This year, St. […]
The Freedom To Err Is Fundamental To All Freedoms
This week, let’s consider freedom in as many different contexts as possible. Gandhi said, “Freedom is not worth having if it does not connote freedom to err.” The freedom to experiment, to make choices and to make mistakes is foundational for other freedoms. Dogma opposes freedom. Yet, seemingly paradoxically, there can be tremendous freedom in […]