Handling Difficulty October 3, 2008
Concluding this week’s topic: Handling Difficulty, it is said: FAILING TO PLAN IS PLANNING TO FAIL. In times of difficulty, planning is more important than ever. There is always a plan in our heads – maybe more than one version of a plan. It’s when we take the time to refine and understand it that […]
Handling difficulty September 2, 2008
This week, we’ve discussed topics about effectively handling difficulty, including: * Recognizing that it may be “normal” to experience tough times * Being grounded and minimizing reactivity * Finding the good with the bad – and the bad with the good * Staying centered in the truth and avoiding drama As Confucius said: “Our greatest glory […]
Handling Difficulty October 1, 2008
This week’s topic: Handling Difficulty. There can be opportunity in difficulty. Sometimes, we’re able to look back and see some good that occurred when tough things happened. Often there are gifts in terrible situations. Experiment with expanding your natural resilience to learn from all circumstances by routinely asking both questions: What is the worst thing about this situation? […]
Handling difficulty September 30, 2008
This week, our topic is HANDLING DIFFICULTY. Dealing effectively with adversity begins with being grounded. Consider, please: If you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you; If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, But make allowance for their doubting too: If you can wait and […]
Handling difficulty September 29, 2008
This week, our topic is HANDLING DIFFICULTY. The more able we are to deal effectively with life’s challenges, the greater our ability to generate the results we wish to have in life. Breakdown – breakthrough underlies handling difficulty well. Today, we’ll discuss ways to handle breakdowns. Consider the following quote: “Breakdowns can create breakthroughs. Things fall apart; […]