Staying Away From Toxic People Is An Important Element Of Self-Care

Staying away from toxic people and situations is an extremely important element of self-care. Coming into contact with people who treat others negatively and even cruelly, often the best response is simply to get out of harm’s way. Among the key delivery systems for toxicity are projections which are usually given in the form of […]

Self-Care Is Ultimately About Loving Yourself

Self-care is ultimately about loving yourself. It’s thinking enough of your own body – your being – to be attentive to ways that you can nurture and healthily soothe yourself. Our culture gives us very mixed messages about our lovability. Much of marketing is designed to convince us that we’ll only be lovable – only […]

“Piles Of Unconsciousness” May Indicate Poor Self-Care

How is your self-care reflected in your environment? Is it cluttered and filled with stacks of things that you can’t discard? Or is your space clear and free of distraction? Many believe that our outer worlds reflect our inner worlds. One of my best friends refers to unmanaged stacks of papers and things as “piles […]

Feeding Your Soul Is The Most Profound Form Of Self-Care

Feeding your soul is perhaps the most profound form of self-care. The ways are almost infinite: the challenge is in making the time to do it. Ask yourself daily – and perhaps several times daily – “Where is the joy now? How do I access it? What brings me joy?” Often, being playful and open […]

Self-Care: Attending To Your Personal Health And Well-Being

Self-care: your practices and habits relating to how well or how poorly you attend to your own health and well-being. How would you rate yourself on self-care on a scale of 100? Where have you had the most difficulty in the past in self-care? Consider, for example, the topic of sleep: how attentive are you […]

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