How To Convert Your Potential Energy Into Kinetic Energy
Kinetic energy is energy in motion – anything moving. However, when a person or object is at rest, it has potential energy. For example, a rock on top of a cliff that could fall: before it falls, it has potential energy. During its fall, it has kinetic energy. Think about you as a human being. […]
What About Damaged Or Reduced Potential?
Often, the word “potential” is tied with superlatives like “unlimited” or “huge” or “fantastic” to inspire or motivate us. POTENTIAL in capital letters with exclamation points!!! But how much do we think about “limited potential”? Talents and skills vary among human beings. How about potential? Does it vary similarly? Can it be diminished by life […]
What Is Your Optimal Relationship To Your Financial Potential?
Among the stickiest places for dealing with potential has been numbers – and particularly financial numbers. Money has been a highly-charged topic for many of us. As a culture, we’ve often been more open about our romantic lives than our financial lives. It’s likely that a key reason for historic difficulty in relating with financial […]
“Potential” Comes From The Latin Word “Potentia” Meaning “Power”
Fascinating, isn’t it, that the modern word “potential” derives from the Latin word “potentia” meaning “power”? Yet, it makes sense that when we speak of the potential of someone or something, we are really speaking of power and / or possibility. Interchanging the words is an interesting exercise. How does it feel to say, “I […]