How Would Your Life Be Different If You Trusted Differently?
How would your life be different if you trusted differently? In other words, what effect does the depth and quality of your trust have on your life? Some people report that they trust to excess, some trust too easily, some not at all, and some in what feel like random ways. It *could* be true […]
“As Soon As You Trust Yourself, You Will Know How To Live” ~ Goethe
After a client meeting this week, a very talented colleague was surprised that I shared an opinion that he said he had not been sufficiently comfortable to share. He said, “I should trust myself more.” Goethe said, “As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live.” What are the implications of trusting […]
“You Can Trust . . . Just Don’t Trust People”???
Great feedback about trusting yesterday, including this from a great friend and generationally-talented artist, “You can trust . . . just don’t trust people.” It’s said, I’m sure, tongue in cheek, yet many of us have acted from that perspective in the past. Fact is that we humans have let others down. We have ignored […]
“Trust Only Movement. Life Happens At The Level Of Events, Not Of Words. Trust Movement” ~ Alfred Adler
A controversial contemporary of Freud, Alfred Adler, wrote: “Trust only movement. Life happens at the level of events, not of words. Trust movement.” When considering whom to trust, one compares words and deeds. When Adler speaks of “movement,” he is referencing action like the old saying, “Action speaks louder than words.” He goes beyond that […]
What Would You Teach Your Children About Trusting?
Headlines over the last few years have been saturated with stories about trust gone bad. Confidences broken, tales told, sacred commitments thrown away. Trust is a complex topic. Trust is faith and belief in the veracity of a human being or in a human organization. Knowing who to trust is among the most important decisions […]