How Open Are You To Changing Your Mind?

Is your mind sufficiently open to change it if the circumstances which were part of your original decision have changed?  Some people pride themselves in never looking back – saying, “A decision is a decision.”  Others constantly second-guess themselves and doubt their choices. A workable middle ground can be:  make clear decisions based on your […]

W. Edwards Deming Believed That Asking Naive Questions Promoted An Open Mind

The consultant widely credited for being the architect of postwar Japan’s economic recovery was W. Edwards Deming whose famed “Deming System” became the gold standard of strategic consulting for decades. Deming was an author, consultant and advisor to governments and multinational corporations, and he believed that all organizations are holographic of their leaders.  With all […]

Where In Your Life Would Adopting Beginner’s Mind Be Most Beneficial For You?

In Zen Buddhism, there is the concept of beginner’s mind. This is a state of openness and receptivity as if one were just beginning – no matter how long you might have actually engaged in a particular activity or faced a specific situation.  There is less analysis and judgment about whether or not something is working. […]

“Always Keep An Open Mind And A Compassionate Heart” ~ Phil Jackson

How open are you to change, to opportunity, to life?  We humans have sometimes felt as though we’ve known “the answer” – and we’ve perhaps gotten stuck there when our perceptions became rigid. Coach Phil Jackson said, “Always keep an open mind and a compassionate heart.” Keeping an open mind is most often simply a […]

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