Magic and Miracles December 19, 2008
Concluding our discussion this week of Miracles and Magic (with a nod to Technology), let’s broaden our view and look outside of ourselves. We found this week that we were challenged to identify exact examples of miracles and magic – and some say that miracles and magic don’t exist. We love that diversity of opinion […]
Magic and Miracles December 18, 2008
So far this week, we’ve focused on very literal definitions of miracles and magic. Let’s turn our attention to “magic” in its figurative sense. One of my favorite quotes is from Goethe who said, “Whatever you think you can do or believe you can do, begin it. Action has magic, grace and power in it.” […]
Magic and Miracles December 17, 2008
In our results work, it’s always fascinating to observe people’s expectations and experiences about how long things take. We live in a culture of immediate gratification where we have been rushed and pushed – and, oftentimes, we have rushed and pushed back. There’s an old saying that, “Even miracles take a little time.” So here’s […]
Magic and Miracles December 16, 2008
Our results classes this week have revealed that miracles are most often associated with events caused by a spiritual power and that magic is associated with the wish of human beings to do the impossible. We discussed the Arthur C. Clarke observation that, “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” Consider, then, that social […]
Magic and Miracles December 15, 2008
This week, by popular demand, we’ll consider Magic and Miracles – Being in the Flow. Serendipity and Synchronicity. This is a lot of material, and it’s perfectly fitting for the season, so we’ll work with these topics until December 24th. Here are some foundational questions: Do you believe in magic? Do you believe in miracles? […]