Magic and Miracles December 19, 2008

Concluding our discussion this week of Miracles and Magic (with a nod to Technology), let’s broaden our view and look outside of ourselves.  We found this week that we were challenged to identify exact examples of miracles and magic – and some say that miracles and magic don’t exist.  We love that diversity of opinion because we always learn from it.

Yesterday, we looked at results that we desired for ourselves that are MIRACULOUS (like “miracles”) and MAGICAL (like “magic”).

Today, let’s turn our attention outward.  What magical and / or miraculous results would we wish for others?  Think about how you could play a part in those results for others.  Be as specific as you can and please be prepared to share if you can.

While you’re at it, consider the implications of Bertrand Russell’s observation:

“The world is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper.”

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