“Habitual” Thinking Versus Objective Thinking
Habits are simply patterns of behavior that occur almost without thinking . . . kind of like living on automatic pilot. We conclude this week’s conversation about changing habits with thoughts on habitual thinking – i.e., pre-existing assumptions, perceptions, and attitudes. Can you think of any situation or person where you have had a limiting […]
From Habit to Ruling Reality
The conventional wisdom is that it takes 21 consecutive days to change a habit . . . and the point is that sufficient time is needed to turn an idea into the ruling reality. Here’s what I’ve seen work: * Make a tracking chart and post it somewhere visible; * Include the benefits of the […]
Having Fun While Changing A Habit
I used to have a fondness for chocolate-covered doughnuts. Think Homer Simpson. That “fondness” developed into a habit of once a week indulging myself with two doughnuts . . . after which I’d feel terrible both mentally and physically. One day, I went from the doughnut store to my office and promised my assistant, Marge, […]
“Changing” Habits versus “Breaking” Habits
You may prefer the phrase “changing habits” to the implications of “breaking habits” because experience teaches that it is far more powerful to be in favor of something than to be against it. “Changing” may be more powerful than “breaking.” Consider how it feels to say, “I’m changing my habit of eating sweets to habits […]
The Competition Between Good and Bad Habits
“Habit” is defined as “A recurrent, often unconscious pattern of behavior that is acquired through frequent repetition.” Good habits and bad habits compete with each other, and often the process of changing habits has been invisible to us. We have felt the effects of bad habits without realizing that we have a great deal of […]