Replace “Get-To” And “Have-To” With “Choose-To”
On our last of five days of considering “get-to” vs. “have-to,” Christina provides some great feedback: “Yes, there are some things we ‘have to’ do/be, etc. and that’s not necessarily a ‘bad’ or ‘negative’ thing … and it just might be a very positive thing for us to take on that sense of responsibility … […]
Cultivating “Getting To” Is Feeling Grateful
“Getting to” is a way of looking at the world in a way that removes all feeling of victimhood. The more one “gets to” do something, the more one appreciates that everything in life is an opportunity. A situation can be difficult, tragic, inconvenient and horrible – but among the ways to look at it […]
Is Everything In Life A “Get-To”?
Some say that almost everything in life is a “get-to” because we have free will. That seems true in the absolute sense of the word. From that perspective, most of our “have-to’s” stem from the choices that we “get-to” make. For example, most people “have to” work in order to provide for ourselves and our […]
The Three Levels of “Get-To”
Today, let’s explore the things you “get” to do. Usually, these activities are fun, free from work, and done with friends or family. “Get to” implies pleasure, opportunity, privilege or something you don’t want to miss. Getting to travel, exploring a new place, trying a new restaurant, getting to know people in a deep way, […]
Privilege vs. Obligation: How Are You With “Get-To” vs. “Have-To”?
This past Sunday morning, I attended a high-energy Ecstatic Dance event; and when the group of about 125 people was seated in a circle, the facilitator asked each person to meditate for a moment and become aware of a core intention to focus on and nurture in the coming weeks. After thinking for a moment, […]