The Tenacity To Become A Firefighter

Last night, I had the pleasure of attending the graduation ceremony of my nephew, Jody Myers, from Fireman’s Academy in Wilmington, N.C. Eight people graduated from a beginning class of 60, and Jody was an amazing number 3.

The graduation program included a recounting of the hundreds of hours of training that spanned many different disciplines including water rescue, ropes and ladders, CPR, hazards, pump and mechanical – and there were certifications in each of these to maintain the Fire Department’s standards.

What was required to be certified were long 16 to 18-hour days and the tenacity and commitment to complete. One of the speakers said, “The bad news is you’ll never become rich being a fireman, but the good news is that you’ll never live a day without purpose.”

As we contemplate our lives and the kinds of contributions each of us makes to the world in our own ways, it’s worthwhile to engage the spirit of perseverance in a solid, everyday way – not flag-waving chest-beating, but the commitment to be there no matter what.

How does your life reflect tenacity? Where do you refuse to give up? What motivates you to move forward? What price are you willing to pay?

Congratulations, Jody! We could not be more proud of you!! Thank you for your incredible example!!

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