Command And Control Work Cultures Are Problematic In Business

One of my longtime clients changed jobs recently where she is confronted with a new boss who is autocratic, aloof, and completely focused on being the boss no matter what. There’s no room for intelligent conversation to discuss the merits of situations – just, “I am the boss and that’s the way it is.” Sadly, […]

How Has Perfection Affected Your Life?

This week’s topic – perfection – has caused much suffering among so many people because it has been interpreted to be the only acceptable way to be – even though being perfect is a completely unrealistic goal. Most likely, what we are really talking about when we speak about perfection is a high degree of […]

The Suffering of Others and Equanimity

Witnessing bad things happen to people has been very hard to bear. People experience health issues, financial distress, emotional pain, relationship problems and a myriad of events ranging from merely bad to downright tragic. How do we deal with seeing that? It has felt easier for me to live in equanimity about my own life […]

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