You’ve Heard It Before: Write Down Your Goals

Goal setting is widely taught and discussed with varying degrees of effectiveness. No matter your stage of life or profession, you are a goal setter. This week, we’ll discuss the core distinctions of goal setting as a means of maximizing your results. We’ve all heard it before, yet most have ignored it: WRITE DOWN YOUR […]

Make One New Business Call Per Day

Increasingly, we live in an environment where everyone is a de facto entrepreneur – even if one has a salary. Our economy is trending toward ever more individual responsibility for career choices; and people are changing jobs and careers more than ever – and, obviously, often not because they want to do so. One of […]

Hope Is A Verb

There is a store near my home that has in its display windows in letters six-feet high: “HOPE IS A VERB.” Those words caused me to look up “hope” as a verb – and it appears to me to be the intersection of expecting, wishing and being optimistic. Clearly, “hope as a verb” implies action. […]

Use Feedback From Others to Enhance Personal Productivity

Getting insight about how to expand personal productivity needn’t be complicated. Each of us is surrounded by people who can give us valuable feedback. Asking “How can I be more productive” may feel risky because you may fear that you’re opening yourself up to criticism . . . . . and that you may be […]

Personal Productivity is Strategic Yield

What is personal productivity? Getting more done . . . . . in less and less time? Partially correct. Productivity is directly tied to the purpose of what you’re doing. The more what you’re doing is vital to your ultimate success, the more you’re being productive. The best definition for “productive” in this context is: […]

Starting Over From Things Beyond Our Control

In law, events beyond our control are called “acts of God” or “force majeure.” Working with our topic of starting over, we considered the topic generally . . . then how we can start over ourselves . . . and how we can allow others to start over. So, today: what about those pesky circumstances […]

The Ability to Start Over Is a Strategic Advantage

This week: STARTING OVER. When I ran my first marathon it wasn’t planned: I was inspired by the signs for the race when I arrived at the Honolulu Airport for a three-week business trip. I immediately wanted to do the race. I had been running about 25 miles a week . . . good, but […]

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