“Strength Is Itself Victory”

Victory can be very broadly defined if and when it is not limited to a conventional definition of winning.  Peace Activist, Daisak Ikeda, said: “Strength is Happiness. Strength is itself Victory.  In weakness and cowardice, there is no happiness.  When you wage a struggle, you might win or you might lose.  But regardless of the […]

David Whyte On Poetry As A Life Saver

A few years ago, I had the privilege of hearing poet, David Whyte, speak. He has made it his life’s work to get poetry to as many people as possible because it’s such a life saver. Whyte is Welsh, and he has a wonderfully deep baritone voice that one could listen to all day and […]

Changing Surrender From Defeat to Allowing

It’s not often that a word can contain two very different, almost opposite meanings . . . one good and one bad. Consider the meanings of “surrender.” Our most common understanding is that surrender means defeat or loss. However, surrender can also mean allowing something completely . . . giving in to something that often […]

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