What Is Your Optimal Relationship To Your Financial Potential?

Among the stickiest places for dealing with potential has been numbers – and particularly financial numbers.  Money has been a highly-charged topic for many of us.  As a culture, we’ve often been more open about our romantic lives than our financial lives. It’s likely that a key reason for historic difficulty in relating with financial […]

What Is Your Relationship To Your Potential?

What’s your potential?  Are you living up to it?  How do you know when you are or you aren’t?  What can you do about it . . . either way? Do you use your potential only as a means of motivating you, or have you used it in the past as a way of punishing […]

Where In Your Life Would Adopting Beginner’s Mind Be Most Beneficial For You?

In Zen Buddhism, there is the concept of beginner’s mind. This is a state of openness and receptivity as if one were just beginning – no matter how long you might have actually engaged in a particular activity or faced a specific situation.  There is less analysis and judgment about whether or not something is working. […]

An Oath Is A Promise Made In The Presence Of A Diety

The word “promises” is a word that is more often used in our culture than “oath.” An oath is a powerful promise typically made in the presence of a Diety. Thus, an oath has the added consideration of the inclusion of a higher power as and when conceived by the person making the oath. How […]

Reduce Your Self-Talk For Control, Approval and Judgment

Self-talk often takes the form of what our egos identify as our needs. Deepak Chopra says: “If you want to reach a state of bliss, then go beyond your ego and internal dialogue. Make a decision to relinquish the need to control, the need to be approved, and the need to judge. These are the […]

Imperfection and Negative Judgment

Inevitably, our week’s conversation about perfection turns to imperfection. Dr. Wayne Dyer said, “To sit in judgment of those things which you perceive to be wrong or imperfect is to be one more person who is part of judgment, evil or imperfection.” If one’s core belief is that *all* is perfect – on at least […]

Use Feedback From Others to Enhance Personal Productivity

Getting insight about how to expand personal productivity needn’t be complicated. Each of us is surrounded by people who can give us valuable feedback. Asking “How can I be more productive” may feel risky because you may fear that you’re opening yourself up to criticism . . . . . and that you may be […]

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