Self-Care: Attending To Your Personal Health And Well-Being
Self-care: your practices and habits relating to how well or how poorly you attend to your own health and well-being. How would you rate yourself on self-care on a scale of 100? Where have you had the most difficulty in the past in self-care? Consider, for example, the topic of sleep: how attentive are you […]
How Well Do You Keep Promises To Yourself?
Each of us has made and subsequently broken promises to ourselves about all kinds of habits, behaviors and thoughts. Exercise, diet, relationships and money are among the key areas where we humans have promised to do or not to do something – and we have found ourselves making excuses and breaking our promises. It’s been […]
“Yes Man” Is A Great Example of Shifting Self-Talk
In the movie, “Yes Man,” Jim Carrey is challenged to change his self-talk of habitually saying “no” to almost everything to, “Yes, I will do that.” It’s a great premise in a movie that received mixed reviews, and Carrie’s performance illustrates the huge changes that can result from shifting one’s perceptions. Because his character, Carl […]