Self-Care Is Ultimately About Loving Yourself
Self-care is ultimately about loving yourself. It’s thinking enough of your own body – your being – to be attentive to ways that you can nurture and healthily soothe yourself. Our culture gives us very mixed messages about our lovability. Much of marketing is designed to convince us that we’ll only be lovable – only […]
How Do You Feel About “Sales Call Reluctance”?
There has been not inconsiderable resistance in our culture to identifying oneself as a salesperson. Many consider selling to be “beneath” them or somehow inferior to holding a “professional” job. Over 25 years ago, psychologists Dudley and Goodson created a test to measure the degree of “Sales Call Reluctance” which measured 12 different areas that […]
Service Is Not Slavery
My friend, Peter, a 30-year veteran of leading high-end travel tours, once told me that his favorite country is India . . . “Because it’s the only place in the world where people will come up to you and say, ‘Please, sir, may I give you a service?’ It’s part of their culture. Nowhere else […]