“Command And Control” Is Most Often In Opposition To Collaboration

We live in a world that has been dominated by a centralized “command and control” model for centuries – and by institutional cultures that are, therefore, anything but collaborative. Tragically, for example, in the recent ongoing oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, there was poor collaboration before someone with control authority made the decision […]

What Are Your “Rocks In The Stream” For Balance In Your Life?

Balance can be disrupted easily by events outside our control – weather, traffic, illness, difficulties.  What are the “rocks in the stream” on which you insist and depend on day-in and day-out? For many people, meditation and exercise are “must-do’s” because the feelings of well being are significant enough to hold onto even if life’s […]

Reduce Your Self-Talk For Control, Approval and Judgment

Self-talk often takes the form of what our egos identify as our needs. Deepak Chopra says: “If you want to reach a state of bliss, then go beyond your ego and internal dialogue. Make a decision to relinquish the need to control, the need to be approved, and the need to judge. These are the […]

Surrendering the Habit of Forcing Others to Give In

When William Booth said, “The greatness of a man’s power is the measure of his surrender,” he was talking about the upside of “giving in” to a powerful principle. Opportunities for surrender often present themselves in one-on-one relationships. When a power struggle occurs and there is a battle for control, the governing principle has often […]

Starting Over From Things Beyond Our Control

In law, events beyond our control are called “acts of God” or “force majeure.” Working with our topic of starting over, we considered the topic generally . . . then how we can start over ourselves . . . and how we can allow others to start over. So, today: what about those pesky circumstances […]

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