Self-esteem and results November 3, 2008

How do you feel about yourself and about the results that you produce in life?  What are the primary sources from which you draw your views of how you feel about yourself?

The subject of this week’s teleclass is the relationship between self-esteem and results.  Nathaniel Branden is among the most respected writers about self-esteem — which he defines as:
“. . . the experience of being competent to cope with the basic challenges of life and being worthy of happiness.”

Branden’s outlook defines a relationship to both inner and outer results.  The experience of being competent is outer – i.e., you know how to produce results in the world.  The worthiness of happiness, however, is inner.

In a consumer-driven culture, people have often relied almost exclusively on outer results as a means of generating good feelings about themselves. Yet, it’s the primary focus on who we’re BEING in the day-to-day that can enhance happiness – an inner world experience.

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