The opposite of secure is insecure, and all humans have insecurities of various kinds. We are works in progress, and being compassionate about the insecurities of ourselves and others is kind and loving.
Insecurities often result from comparing how we think we should be to how we perceive that we are. For example, our media portray physical perfection as the only acceptable way to be, yet most of us are far from that definition of physical perfection . . . which may lead to feeling insecure.
Many industries are based on marketing to our physical insecurities. Cher said, “I’m insecure about everything because I’m never going to look in the mirror and see this blond, blue-eyed girl. That is what my idea of what I’d like to look like.”
No one will have to share it with the group, but think about some aspect of your physical self with which you have been insecure. Then ask yourself what impact that feeling of insecurity has had on your life thus far.
How would you like to change your historic point of view about any feelings of physical insecurity? Have you ever said or done anything to cause another person to feel insecure about her or his physicality?
Copyright 2009. E. B. Hutt Bush and Coaching for Results, Inc.