Imagination November 19, 2008

Imagination – as we’ve been discussing it this week – can be a useful “muscle” to nourish and develop.  What are some ways to grow imagination? How can it be expanded?

Building any habit requires regular attention, and your imagination benefits from using it regularly.  Brainstorming with someone else is among the best ways to expand imagination.  Simply agree that it’s okay – and perhaps even necessary – to appear foolish and even silly as you think out loud.  Then think together!

Creativity and innovation are frequent products of imagining.  Our lives are improved by expansive thinking – challenging our previous limitations, wondering how problems can become opportunities, and entertaining notions of breakthroughs from breakdowns.

As Kurt Vonnegut said, “We are who we imagine ourselves to be.”

Today, let’s “imagine” ourselves living a day that stands out as fun, productive, and unique in how we move forward.  Think of at least three ways that your day could be improved – ways that would most likely not have happened if you did not take the time to imagine them.

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