“I Have Found loyalty ~ You Have Pulled For Me On The Court And Also In Life.” ~ Andre Agassi

How are you in receiving loyalty from friends, family, colleagues and others important in your life? Do you acknowledge loyalty? If so, how?

Consider what Andre Agassi said to his fans after the last match of his professional tennis career.

“The scoreboard said I lost today, but what the scoreboard doesn’t say is what it is I have found. Over the last 21 years, I have found loyalty. You have pulled for me on the court and also in life. I found inspiration. You have willed me to succeed, sometimes even in my lowest moments, and I’ve found generosity. You have given me your shoulders to stand on to reach for my dreams, dreams I could never have reached without you.”

Is there anyone in your life that you would enjoy acknowledging for their loyalty to you? Is loyalty to you among the things that you value?

Our goal is to help people in the best way possible. This is a basic principle in every case, and cause for success. Contact us today to arrange for a consultation. 

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