Peter Drucker for several decades was the nation’s pre-eminent business educator and author. He wrote over 38 books, and his insights are seering . . . and legendary. Consider this classic Drucker:
“Increasingly, command and control is being replaced by or intermixed with all kinds of relationships: alliances, joint ventures, minority participations, partnerships, know-how, and marketing agreements – all relationships in which no one controls and no one commands.”
“These relationships have to be based on a common understanding of objectives, policies, and strategies; on teamwork; and on persuasion, or they do no work at all.”
Drucker nailed it. Most organizations have insufficient common understanding which, like common sense, seems to be decidedly uncommon.
How fares your organization . . . work, family, charity, philanthropy, church? Is there common understanding, teamwork and persuasion? If not, Drucker predicts that such organizations will have difficulty or fail.